Stuff: - unreal website (potaris) - nutrition app - bewerber ki - serienampel login + ki + bildanalyse THS: - ths website zu klein (show on 130% dann siehts richtig aus) - Bindestriche kaputt - ths libire - bva/ths aufträge Server: - fix signal gateway - server vm migration - pad server display/unreal firepad display - port overview programm parsing ports and nginx and supports labling - kubernets - ai log analysis - iptables visual tool, block, hitcount, redirect ports, ip, quality of service - firepad/server Sonstiges Game: - Clock sound effect/szene - Schneegewitter - rolling blackout - - - Lichteffekt: - Effekt anfang hier: - Rouge one xwings eda Sonstiges Digitalisierung: - Hausrat inventar Sontiges Job: - talent io - hays - onsiter - people for prohject - entreprise digital ressources Sonstiges nicht so wichtig: - multi nextcloud in app, desktop or other nextcloud per user directory Sticker: - Gefahrenwarnkatze kathastrophenschutzkadse luftabwehrkadse - Fauntebleau - f..... Awesome university - kein backup kein mitleid - bindesministerium für cyberr und mechanische datenverarbeitung - fail- friesrich alexander universitätsleitung - friesrich aldi universität - eva katze? - Test 5.0 gar nicht mal so geil - wawaeawawa give me my wasserspender back Sonstige dumme Ideen: - Visit Nürnberg und region app - Bahnapp mit startpunkt als ticket und endpunkt bezahlen - Most insane reddit communities blog ask tankies - advertisement ROI calc - sheppy status page, bewegungsensor, lichtsensor, handy in wlan - blogs- keyclaok extension - boulder ki app Done: fau erlangen darknet [x] async icinga checks/gateway [x] ths contract locations [x] ths pdf analyzer [x] signal icinga notifications [x] satirewebsite [x] potaris website [x] ths speech-to-report [x] new ESE Website [x] gitlab -> github sync [x] redeploy flask projects waitress [x] ip6tables [x] bc-arbeit [x] - google api [x] - restlicher http [x] - restliche plots [x] - schreiben [x] - vortrag vorbereiten [x] calendar offline suupport [x] ths plotter [x] ths samba [x] ths plot history selectability [x] ths bug fixen (crash on 's') [x] web based calender client [x] radicale2 -> radicale3 [x] calendar reload freeze fixen [x] better mobile calendar [x] speech->text (sphinx/googleapi) [x] mailman [x] purecss/hugo website [x] atlantis blog: [x] atlantis blog previews [x] atlantis blog rich cards [x] atlantis-blog lighthouse 100% [x] robust irc [x] fix mailtransport on athq [x] review icinga monitoring [x] migrate flask to WSGI [x] stealth vpn [x] rotate all remaining non le certs [x] mpd streaming [x] webpoll [x] riot api interface [x] custom game balance ese [x] rating system bauen [x] fix DNS zone [x] vpn schlater bauen [x] gitlab autodelpoy [x] monitor source server via rcon [x] calendar offline support [x] calendar client side edits [x] rating system refactoren [x] rating actual teambalance [x] telegram notifications icinga [x] fix ipv6 for good [x] monitor vservers indiviually [x] functional monitoring rating system [x] filesharing athq [x] athq webmail [x] DNS Sec [x] nextcloud monitoring [x] migrate calendar to nextcloud [x] carddav [x] athq landing page [x] linux_to_windows qt compile pipeline [x] qtSpeechInterface [x] ths datalogger qt gui [x] fix icinga-telegram status display [x] Other random ideas: graphical rsync filter generator bewegungsprofile insurgency big data analysis auf browser plugin for download on server darknet searchengine random website requester machine learning auf videos/audio record server gameplay (demo) wlan monitoring mode tracker mpdroid mediaplayer to exoplayer RFID based lock qt ths bearbeitungsprog traffic bandwidth control programm logfilter stats panel im zimmer serverstatus anzeige zimmer music detection (dejavu) athq athq caching searchengine nextcloud auto-update rating system buddy mode rating system buddy mode with steamid php/javascript ffmpeg webinterface Service Restarts Sector 32: - prebuild pathfinding - combat system - space distortion - big ship - wreckages - engine - ship - scared astroids - burned astroids - crystal on astroid - astroid-water connections - astroid-lightning connections - better boost engine effect